
Just look at that stunning bunch!! I bet that is one of our best pics yet alas it is incomplete!Missing one of our best..Emily..off to really make a difference in this world!
Congrats Angela and Brett!

Ahhh look at those boys!! I just couldn't resist posting this pic! Aww so cute!

So sad to say good-byes again! What an awesome week-end full of witty comments, jokes, Adam's horrible pick-up lines, laughter, Phil's awesome song leading, fun, friends, and travel! Safe travels home or where ever and post asap!!


Phil, in response to your post about making jokes about your mother, I think you should see this. Remember, Mr. T sez "When you put down one mother, you're puttin' down mothers all over the world!"


wow, i just found this really cool blog that you should all check out!



yes yes!! Big party at my place for Angela and Brett's wedding... I am not stressing over how many people are staying with me ''cause I figure we are all great Menno stock and to cheap to get a hotel why not all stay together!! Truely less is more! What a fun time!! Well the good news is my roommate's parent will be out of town so we have a house in which to spread out and have plenty of floor space.....bring a sleeping bag and or a pillow if possible....if you are flying in...no worries I am having my parents bring down extras. My parent might be in town that week-end and I already have my mom thinking about food!! Rock on! Bring money for that 'cause we might just end up going out especially if I can't figure out the grill.... I will send out directions...probably by e-mail since some of our loser friends don't use this blog!! The house has a hot tub and my apartment a swimming pool so come prepared! Please if you are planning on staying with me.. LET ME KNOW if you haven't already!! I only have that house til Sunday afternoon but I have floor space in my apartment if you don't mind sleepin so close! LOL I am getting excitied!!


I ran accross this picture of my mom in the Gospel Evangel taken at Indiana-Mighigan Menno Conference a few weeks back. I realize I'm pretty much asking for mom jokes, but I think it's pretty safe. Take this perhaps as a litmus test of our collective maturity. Who will take the high road and who will remain on the wayward trek to the eternal fires by making an inappropriate comment?
nay, a whole week has past since a new post. well, i just gave the most awkward tour of Goshen College possible. imagine me talking for an hour to two high school girls and their mothers who all seemed completely unimpressed by me and my alma mater. to make matters worse, it's so hot, and i've never given such a slow tour. no matter how much i tried to move them along, they preferred a steady crawl.

I made at least two memorable verbal blunders in the course of this painful journey:
trying to explain the health and wellness center, I blurted out "hellness"
and when explaining the roles suzie and chad play as r.d.'s, I mentioned that they live in the dorms too...and i quote, "but not together...cuase they're not together..like that." (smacks forehead)


It's true, I was funny once. I said witty things like "Aren't these crumpets absolutely delicious, Mrs. Potts?" and people took great pleasure in said actions. Now I'm just a bitter old man, working a crappy low-paying maintenance job, wondering where the time went. I frown a lot and mumble grumpy things like, "What awful weather" as I stare down at my dirty, calloused hands. For cheeses' sake, look at the time and date of this post. Friday night, and in front of the computer. Can you say lame? Cause I sure can, and if you can't, you're a moron. Anyway, hope you all have a more lovely evening than I, and watch this link. I'm serious.

Fun thing to do in the middle of the night...when I can't sleep and I don't have to work....go through the archieves on this blog!! Seriously who started it? And why were we not more well informed at the time.....you people [BrettDannyPhil]are so so ridiculously funny!!.... I was laughing out loud at the memories....if I would have know my New Year's resolution was to body slam Adam....I might have accomplished it successfully! (thanks Brett!) But Alas I was not informed and Danny those cookies will have to wait for a reuinion now. Rachel did you know you had everyone's vote of confidence not to accept the leftovers from Susie?? Angela what is in the Yoder bathrooms??? Alyssa as a college grad can you finally define walrus? For the love... East Hall 03-04 ROCKS!!
Danny sorry to hear about your beloved pet! So sad....but don't worry I saw a movie on this once and I am pretty sure all dogs go to heaven.


so, sad news...our dog Laddin, the big exuberant collie that i grew up with, was put to sleep today. he had a tumor on his hind leg that had quickly grown into the size of a grapefruit. it was kind of a shock to me and my family because when i last saw him about a month ago he was fine, getting older but seemingly okay.

nothing like a death to make you think about mortality, even if it's just a pet's death. so, do animals have souls? who knows, but we often say that the lord god loves them too so that has to count for something, right?

rest easy, friends.
Wow a blog! I have never been on one before and to top that off I was directly mention by name. Thank Angela!! Kansasans are great! True statement on the pictures thing!! I wanna see any and all pictures of the weddings!! Sorry I wasn't able to make it to them.. I was there in spirit. So I had a great 4th of July too. I went to Iowa to be with the family! (I hadn't been home since Christmas! Guys- don't do that to your mothers!!) It was a great time...spent some time on the lake and went tubing.....I am still sore and it is Wednesday now! ouch!
Speaking of Mennonite convention...I am jealous..my parents are there as youth sponsers!!
I am so pumped all week next week I am going to be a camp nurse for 2-5th graders!! Rock on! Yep that is my excitement for now....besides just working all night saving lives and sleeping all day! Miss ya guys bunches!! I love the e-mails so keep them coming!!


He's at Charlotte for convention and he said he hung out with Danny's little sister tonight.
oh boy - i just talked to my brother Joe (16 years old). He's at Charlotte for convention and he said he hung out with Danny's little sister tonight. He said he's having a good time. This may be the beginning of another future east hall hookup! Awwww peaches!
wow this blog is sooo trendy.
I guess I'll climb aboard the blog posting band-wagon. I really don't have anything to say but I just read the kickin' patriotic email that everyone should have just recieved and was compelled to contribute to the blog. Welp that's all.
NO PARENTS! WTF! Hansel is so hot right now! and all that jazz.
Hey, how long has this East Hall thing existed? I didn't know it was here.
Anyway, I spent the 4th boating on the Gulf (at least that's where my dad wanted to pretend we were). We were actually at Lake Wilson in western Kansas.
Sorry this is a short one, but I have to get to class. If anyone has pictures from Martha or Steve's weddings...please email them to the whole east hall gang. I know Melisa really wants to see some and so do I.
Later, patriotic friends!
what up east hall! you all had best post something real soon.


I win!