
Fun thing to do in the middle of the night...when I can't sleep and I don't have to work....go through the archieves on this blog!! Seriously who started it? And why were we not more well informed at the time.....you people [BrettDannyPhil]are so so ridiculously funny!!.... I was laughing out loud at the memories....if I would have know my New Year's resolution was to body slam Adam....I might have accomplished it successfully! (thanks Brett!) But Alas I was not informed and Danny those cookies will have to wait for a reuinion now. Rachel did you know you had everyone's vote of confidence not to accept the leftovers from Susie?? Angela what is in the Yoder bathrooms??? Alyssa as a college grad can you finally define walrus? For the love... East Hall 03-04 ROCKS!!


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