
Okay, so Melisa definitely wins the award for east hall blogger of the year. Yeah, Melisa! You'll be getting your award in the mail...and if nothing comes then I think your mailman is a thief.

We thought we would update you all on our lives since much has changed this summer. We were poor grad students in Athens the past 2 years...now we are still poor (and by poor I mean financially...our spirits have not been broken by the hours of studying and late night Taco Bell runs (yes Danny, we still eat at the Bell occasionally)), but one of us is no longer a student. Angela officially finished her program August 29 and started work Sept.2. She is working with the county Educational Service Center in the preschools as a speech-language pathologist. Brett starts off rotations this week with his first area being family practice.

We are close to extended family which is nice for a change. After 3 years in a 1 bedroom apartment, we decided to rent a house which happens to be close to the hospital and the Ohio Erie Canal bikepath. The bike path goes all the way up into downtown Cleveland (we have not ridden that far). It is a nice place for us to run since we have been training for the Columbus half marathon. Angela ran in the Athens half back in April with a friend from grad school and talked Brett into training with her for the Columbus. Brett's sister is also planning on running with us in Columbus, so it should be a big old party.

We will send you an email with our new address...phones are still the same at this point.