

Just finished watching "Elf," which is one of my favorite holiday movies, and probably my favorite Will Ferrell flick. Anyone else a fan?


Accepting ideas now....

HELP! I am in dire need of a good costume idea for a halloween party. Please keep in mind this is a family friendly event. It will be held on Friday night! Yikes...I have always been so creative before and all my creativity is sucked away lately! No I will not be a nurse....I wear stupid scrubs all the time!!



It's not very "autumnal" around here yet...still pretty green...finally dropped below 70 the last day or two...stupid southern weather! Who feels like pumpkins when you're wearing shorts?


but have you heard...

...about the national pumpkin shortage??? I've been watching Martha Stewart's show via Tivo and she just can't stop talking about this national crisis.

Read about it here. And then pray for the pumpkins.
Ahh the sounds and sites of fall are finally here! I love it! Different colors and pumpkins! I really do love pumpkins! I think I am obsessed I have bought several and you any of you were here I would make ya a pie or bread!! YUMMY!

We could even have a pumpkin run!