
death to the environment! haha

That just made me laugh out loud in the 'fraker. Ahhh...the coziness of sitting by the heater in a booth with my ibook, glancing out the window at the gently falling snow.

Hey Danny, here's Adam's cell phone number: 7_7-989-_604 (fill in the spaces with the two digits of the number of people who lived in east hall - i must protect adam from potential creepy internet stalkers who may want his phone number)
Just doing my part to make it three posts in the last two days. On Saturday, my second case arrives out of Ethiopia (originally from Sudan), so I am busy setting up their apartment, and also working with some other refugee clients on orientation to life in America and how to get a job. I think it's funny that part of my job title is employment specialist when I haven't ever really had a real job myself; neverless, I have already suceeded in getting one fellow hired at a plastic bag factory. Death to the environment! I'll keep this short and random so I can get back to work, but I hope everyone is doing well, especially you Adam Roth who has appeared to drop off the face of the earth. Update on the new East-Hallers: they now have a bike rack, satellite tv, and a fixed hand rail and back porch. Spoiled dogs. Peace to all.


The East Hall blog lives!

We (the three or four of us who actually take part...grrr) need to keep up with this better. Come on. I know more of us are dorky enough to get into this. Have we forgotten the countdown chain to Christmas break? the buff-o-meter? FRUIT RUNS?

Well, for now I'm in Goshen, completing my senior seminar requirements and then graduating (neigh I am the last of the east hall goshen grads).

that's all folks.

Alyssa made a whirlwind trip westward...I thought I would post some pictures I have. It was great to see another true East Haller again and hang out with Angela and Brett in Wichita too. So 3 of 12 live in Wichita...anyone else wanna move down and create a colony of our very own?