
Merry Christmas Me!

You can't tell but I am typing to you from a new computer. If you didn't heard I "fried the mother board" of my old laptop! Who knew you had a mother board in your computer and that it is so vital to the existence of a computer....any hoo... it broke the week before finals no less. Thankfully I had saved all my files for school on a separate disk! Let that be a lessson to you all. Save. Save. Save.

I had been researching them for a couple weeks before I made my decision, which really isn't bad for me! Right?!

I purchased a Gateway M-1617 Notebook (I only tell you this now so your first reactions can be made out of my site.)...it has lots of features that I am excited about included a 1.3 webcam that I haven't figured out how to use yet but should be fun. My wireless is working without a problem which is wonderful! I couldn't package a computer online for the price I got so I am happy for now. I have to remember there will always be bigger and better deals coming along! Oh well. I almost let my ego get in the way and purchase a 17" screen but I came to my senses and put my money in twice as much memory and hard drive (as consumer reports mentioned!). Whew, close one!

I am pumped to have the Geek Squad available to me at a moments notice as well! Today my assistant Matt was hot so there you go. Hot Geeks! ha!

I would like to thank my roommate for dealing with me and my computer needs during the time of my transition! Let me know how I can return the favor at any time. Loveya.

Happy Birthday Grandpa B! Love ya!


Blogger Melisa said...

oops...thought this was being posted on my blog..but alas it was not and I can't figure out how to delete it so...there you go!
the minds of east hall needed some updating anyway!

14/12/07 5:20 PM  
Blogger Angela or Brett said...

hmmmm, i think i'm the only male "B" in east hall, but it's not anywhere near my birthday, nor am i a grandpa. oh well, thanks anyway!!! :)

5/1/08 9:20 AM  
Blogger Melisa said...

ha! sorry for the confusion!

10/6/08 3:03 PM  

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