
In these holiday times, I can't help but reminisce about east hall Christmases past. My debut as the Christ-child, our upstairs packed with friends and strangers, crafts and cookies at the corner table, and that warm sensation/mirage of popularity.

David, Ross, Greta and I have had a few smaller, more adult (kinda) holiday parties in the last few eves. Martha, Adam and Luke braved the winter storm on Thursday night to join us for dinner. It took them over two hours to drive on LakeShore Dr from Hyde Park on the south side up to our apartment. It wasn't pretty.

And last night Steph and Aaron Wieand came over for another holiday gathering. We drank (strong) egg nog and played games. Good times.

meanwhile...our blog is looking kind of boring. How can we communicate the awesome entertainment power of the blog to our old housemates? Look how bored these girls are as they read the sporadic entries...

hmmm....maybe they should contribute! (m birkey - i know you help out...you're cool.)

Seriously. it's so easy and fun too! email me (philipyoderkendall@gmail.com) if you need help figuring it out. The intrinsic rewards are great!


Blogger Danny said...

methinks this would be (ever so slightly) more effective as a mass email.

13/12/05 8:47 AM  

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