
wow, christmas break is so hot right now. i am surprised that i don't feel as if it's been completely worthless so far. the big move accross the road is underway. we've started painting and new carpet comes in next week. here's a list of other things i've accomplished since coming home.
-baught knitting needles and yarn
-learned how to knit off of a website
-began to knit a scarf...pictures to come
-practiced piano and voice
-watched "surprise by design"..so hot right now
-began working on finally printing out germany pictures

ok so basically i'm just stoked about my knitting. it makes me feel ok about sitting around a lot.

so this here weblog was inspired by last year's shoup house crew. they keep their banter going online even though they don't live together. and since we must face the reality that not all of us will be around next year, i thought we should get this started.

so write about random stuff. it's fun.


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